Let’s follow the Purple trail through the woods, over 2 bridges across the Hunger Kill and two road crossings to DiCaprio Park. The trail continues along the perimeter of various athletic fields to the DiCaprio Park Trailhead #11 where we will retrace our steps back to our car for a 3.7 mile in and out totaling 7.4 miles.
Here is a link to the PDF of all the trails at Albany Pine Bush Preserve:

We should start early about 6:am so we can finish before it gets too hot!
While the Albany Pine Bush Preserve provides a special habitat for many plants and animals, it also provides visitors with a variety of non-motorized recreational opportunities including hiking, jogging, nature study, cross country skiing, horseback riding, mountain biking, and hunting.
The preserve contains approximately 20 miles of officially marked, multiple-use trails in the picture in the PDF above. Most trails are considered easy to moderate and vary from wide open sandy trails to narrow grassy woodland paths. The topography is generally flat with gradual slopes up and down the dunes.