From Asbury Hills Camp and Retreat Center. The length of this hike, one way from Asbury to Moonshine Falls is approximately 4 miles, most all of it on Asbury property, following their trail system upstream along Matthews Creek. Asbury welcomes hikers to use their trails, as long as camp is not in session, or any retreats are going on. Call ahead of time to request permission: 864-836-3711. At that time, they will give you the code to their gate, so you can drive in to their grounds and down to the trailhead.

Once we start down the red blazed Asbury Trail, we’ll be following a wide dirt trail. In 1.7 miles, we’ll pass by the turnoff to Cascade Falls, turn to see a very pretty cascade, with a great swimming hole at the base, great in the summertime.
Back on the red trail and in .1 of a mile from the Cascade Falls turnoff, we’ll see some wire that looks a little like a clothes line – that’s actually how we will cross over Matthews Creek.
Once we cross Matthews Creek, and follow the trail for a very short distance we will come to the Naturaland Trust Trail, turn right on the pink Naturaland Trust trail to Moonshine Falls in just over a half mile.
